Run Anote Node

How To Run Anote Node

Run Anote Node On Your PC

Token requirements: 1 NODE Token

To install and run a node on your home PC, follow these simple steps:

1. Download and install VirtualBox

Download VirtualBox from here and install it on your computer.

2. Download and import Anote Node image

Download Anote Node image from here and extract it. After that, open VirtualBox, click "File", then "Import Appliance" and choose extracted node image and import it. Wait for the import to finish.

3. Install Anote Node

Start the newly created appliance called Anote Node in VirtualBox and wait for it to boot. After that, login to it with username 'anote' and password 'anote' and run this command:

sudo ./

There's no copy-paste so you will have to enter it manually. When you enter it, it will ask you for the password agan and it's again 'anote'. Wait for the process to finish. If you don't have alias configured in your wallet, create one in wallet settings.

When install command finishes, your node will reboot. Open explorer and find your IP in the nodes list. Under node name, you will see its address. Copy it and send 0.007 anotes to that address from your wallet.

Go back to your node in VirtualBox and login again using 'anote' for both username and password and run this command:

./anote-node -install=alias

Replace the word alias in this command with the alias you configured in your wallet settings.

4. Make a lase to your node

Open our dev tool, import your wallet's seed (the wallet where you hold NODE token), after that click on the third tab (Node Lease). Enter your node's address, leave your address filled in (presumably that you're not doing the lease for a node owned by somebody else) and click "Lease To Node" button.

And that's it, you are now running an Anote node. The mining will start in 1000 blocks (~17 hours) and you will start receiving anotes in your wallet. Welcome! 🚀

Run Anote Node On Digital Ocean

Token requirements: 1 NODE Token

Software requirements: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

Hardware requirements: At this point, it is still enough to use the smallest Digital Ocean droplet ($6), or your home PC. You can run up to 3 nodes from the same IP address.

To install and run a node on Digital Ocean, follow these simple steps:

1. Create a Digital Ocean account and run a droplet

Open an account on Digital Ocean if you don't already have one. After that, run the cheapest droplet by selecting these options:

  • - Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04
  • - Plan: Basic (shared CPU)
  • - CPU options: Regular with SSD and 1 GB / 1 CPU
  • - Datacenter region: any
  • - Authentication: Password or SSH if you know how to use it
  • - Additional options: none

2. Install Anote node

After creating droplet is finished, access console by clicking three dots on the right side of the droplet and then choosing "Access console" option. Enter password you received on your email upon creating a droplet and then paste this command in the shell:

wget && chmod +x && ./

This will take some time. After the droplet has finished and rebooted, access console again and enter this command to get your node's address:

./anote-node -init

Copy your node's address, open your Anote One wallet and send 0.007 anotes to your node address.

Now copy your Anote address from your Anote One wallet, go back to node console and run this command using Anote address from your wallet (not node's address):

./anote-node -install YOURANOTEADDRESS

3. Make a lase to your node

Open our dev tool, import your wallet's seed (the wallet where you hold NODE token), after that click on the third tab (Node Lease). Enter your node's address, leave your address filled in (presumably that you're not doing the lease for a node owned by somebody else) and click "Lease To Node" button.

And that's it, you are now running an Anote node. The mining will start in 1000 blocks (~17 hours) and you will start receiving anotes in your wallet. Welcome! 🚀